Arab ANOMALY 0 - The melancholy of haruhi suzumiya Movies
(C72) [はぽい処 (岡崎武士)] アノマリーゼロ (涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱)
#15508 - Okay I will be the first to admit that seeing my gravestone, The place my body is buried for the first time is kind of weird, It's like been dead doesn't really sink in until you realise you are truly gone, Well anyway back to Alice been here, So yeah she was kneeling infront of my grave and I was just sort of stood behind her not really knowing what to do, Within those few moments I was sort of paralyzed with shock I guess you could call it I think I might of missed Alice speaking, Did catch a few words though *I miss you* She said to my gravestone although with me been here with her it's sort of like she is speaking to me which feel's sort of nice Well I assume with all said and done she will get up and walk to school but she doesn't seem to be doing so, Maybe if I could somehow pick her up I could carry her to school, Make sure she isn't late. Okay I don't seriously know how long it's been but I lost her, I managed to make it to the
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