Men Onnanoko Otokonoko - Yu gi oh arc v Insertion
[lunchbox (ベツィ)] 女の子男の子 (遊☆戯☆王ARC-V) [DL版]
#388526 - While Sky was quite geeky and artsy, spending his free time drawing on his tablet at home or catching up on the most recent Marvel film or show Andrea was all about her fitness. But, maybe it would work? She knew he wouldn’t report her so, at the very least, it would be a last hurrah, she reasoned. She felt her heart skip a beat as she looked down at Sky, the cute feminine boy breathing hard, limp, splayed out against the toilet he was sat on, “F-fuck…” she said, between pants, she had wanted to dominate him, to make him relive that experience that made him ask her out in the first place but this adorably little caramel love boy had brought out the absolute worst in her again, a monster that she hated, that thwarted every attempt at happiness she had ever come close to achieving, with panic rising she put on her commanding voice, though it was shaky and a little uncertain, “Get yourself cleaned up” she said, pulling her jeans up off the floor as she stepped away, pulling them
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